What is Governance?

Governance is the process of interaction and decision-making among the stakeholders of a given system or organization. It is also the way rules, norms and actions are structured, sustained, regulated and upheld.

How is the Planet DAO governed?

The governance of PlanetDAO is divided into two main categories.

PlanetDAO governance

Any Planet Token holders can participate in the forum.

All voting forums are conducted on Snapshot (insert link here).

Regional subDAO governance

PlanetDAO governance has two parts: decisions made by PlanetDAO itself and regional decisions by subDAOs. Regional residents participate in subDAO voting forums.

(note: Buying Planet Tokens earns you governance tokens for the region you select.)

All voting forums are conducted on Snapshot (*insert link here).

How do Planet Token holders stay informed of governance issues?

To make informed decisions, Planet Token holders have a number of resources available to them.

These include numerous forum threads that go into the details of various issues and topics of discussion, key votes, write-ups, data dashboards, and Governance and Risk meetings.

PlanetLabs facilitates voter interaction and engagement by hosting online venues where the governance community comes together for discussion. These include the chat, governance forum(*snapshotのリンクを貼る) and the governance and risk call(**snapshptのリンクを貼る)).

Due to the dynamic nature of the protocol and its governance, some resources may be outdated. For the most up-to-date information, engage in the chat, forum or governance call.